Thoughts of a nerdy feminist

My first and truest love is fantasy, but I dabble in just about any genre. Not everything I like is 100% perfect when examined through a feminist lens, but I am a firm believer that it's all right to like problematic things, as long as you can acknowledge what is problematic about it and not be a jerk about it.
currently reading
Blood Song
Anthony Ryan
currently reading
Connie Willis
currently reading
The Well of Ascension
Brandon Sanderson
February 2018
updated shelf:
The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth) - N.K. Jemisin Elantris - Brandon Sanderson Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy) by Taylor, Laini (2012) Paperback - Laini Taylor
I knew from the heartbreak that came in the first two books in this series ...
The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth) - N.K. Jemisin
June 2017
reviewed: I think this one was really overrated
This is definitely my least favorite book by Brandon Sanderson. I'm probabl...
Elantris - Brandon Sanderson
March 2017
I predicted that this book was going to be really heavy after the way the f...
Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor
There is no third book damnit. I'm never going to know what happened. : ( Did David survive the weird mind splitting thin...
Grim reminded me I wanted to get back to this series and this just became available at my library. Looking forward to retur...
I really enjoyed The Graveyard Book while I was reading it. The story and characters held my attention and it was a short, f...
Unless y'all are seeing something I'm not. I can shelve other books as "currently reading" and they will show up. I have ...
March 2017
I found this book charming almost immediately as I began reading it, the au...
Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy) by Taylor, Laini (2012) Paperback - Laini Taylor
March 2017
text: Reading progress update: I've read 65%.
I've heard nothing but rave reviews of this book, but I'm SO BORED. I want ...
Blood Song - Anthony  Ryan
February 2017
updated shelf:
Blood Song - Anthony  Ryan
updated shelf:
The Death of Dulgath - Michael J. Sullivan

Currently reading

Blood Song - Anthony  Ryan
Blood Song
Anthony Ryan
Progress: 65 %
Blackout - Connie Willis
Connie Willis
Progress: 114/512 pages
The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson
The Well of Ascension
Brandon Sanderson
Progress: 58/590 pages