Powerful ending, yet I feel adrift

I dragged my feet reading this book, finding one distraction after another. After so many books, I really didn't want to be done with this series. I realize there are other books in the same setting, and I may look into them in the future.
The story was, of course, epic. Things came together in the end as they do in each book in this series. I appreciate the way this series led me to feeling for the Crippled God after introducing him initially as so nasty and repugnant. I look back on the earlier books in the series and I can see how the events from early on were all leading to the climactic events at the end of this book, and it amazes me, the degree of planning that went into this. I was overwhelmed with emotion at the end, reading this while my children played nearby, hoping they didn't notice my tears.
For the majority of the story, the ending was excellent, providing closure that felt right to me. Fiddler and the Bridgeburners were perfect. Tavore.. I had grown to love Tavore, ever since the end of book four.
Some issues I had can only be discussed with minor spoilers. I will try not to spoil any major plot points, but if you really want to know nothing, you should stop reading my review.
Speaking of book four. Karsa Orlong was a huge component in that book. He was a major player in nearly every book after he was introduced. Yet he was only briefly mentioned. His role did not seem particularly important. Someone can argue that an action of his was of incredible importance, but it still seemed he deserved more narrative.
Other threads were left hanging. I expected to see more happen with Errastas, and yet that plot had no closure. I wanted to see what was going to happen there, and more importantly, with Draconus. He was very interesting in the brief moments when he was present. Indeed, there's so much going on there that I'm wondering if it is dealt with in another book. I'll have to see.
Picker also seemed to have something to do, yet she did not seem to do anything.
Other than her, for the most part, the Bridgeburners had poignant closure. Ultimately, despite the areas in which I feel there should've been more, I was moved by the story that was told.
I am going to miss the Malazans.